ImmigrationSettlement Toronto Will Remain Home for Most of the Immigrants Even After the Pandemic Since the outbreak of COVID-19, immigration numbers in Canada experienced a sharp decline in recent…askmigrationJune 20, 2020
ImmigrationSettlement PNP Activities in Different Provinces Throughout Canada in May 2020 The provincial nominee programs have been going on in different provinces around Canada for the…askmigrationJune 10, 2020
ImmigrationSettlement Latest Ontario PNP Draw Invites 699 Express Entry Candidates for Provincial Nomination In its latest PNP draw held on June 3, 2020, Ontario sent out 699 Notification…askmigrationJune 8, 2020
ImmigrationSettlement Canada Is Seeking Ways to Ease Restrictions for Families to Come Back to the Country from The USA Trudeau: Canada looking to ease travel for families The Coronavirus pandemic saw Canada and the…askmigrationJune 6, 2020
ImmigrationSettlement EXCLUSIVE: Government Lowers Requirement for Express Entry (Now is Your Chance to Apply) The most recent updates about Canada's Express Entry draw was another good news for candidates…askmigrationJune 1, 2020
ImmigrationSettlement Immigrant Nominee Programs in Canada; Ontario Invites 703 More Candidates in the Tech Sector Ontario and Alberta are two of nine provinces that hold Provincial Nominee Programs (PNP). The…askmigrationMay 24, 2020
EmploymentImmigrationSettlement Canada and Australia have taken different paths when it comes to immigration targets Canada and Australia have taken different paths when it comes to immigration targets While the…askmigrationMay 18, 2020
EmploymentImmigrationSettlement Your Options Of Getting Permanent Residence Via Provincial Nominee Program (PNP) Are Still Open! The Covid-19 pandemic might have shaken the world's health and safety status. This has, in…askmigrationMay 11, 2020
LifestyleSettlement Canadians will still be able to sponsor common-law partners for permanent residence during the coronavirus Canada's travel restrictions during the coronavirus do not extend to immediate family members, including that…askmigrationMay 11, 2020
EmploymentImmigrationSettlement The Latest Info on the Express Entry Program The Canadian government places eligible applicants for the Express Entry program in the express entry…askmigrationMay 6, 2020