Employment Are you looking forward to migrating to Canada through the federal skilled worker program? Are you looking forward to migrating to Canada through the federal skilled worker program? Worry…askmigrationJuly 28, 2020
EmploymentImmigration Canadian Work Permits on the rise, since April 2020, with 29,900 Work Permits Issued! In case you're wondering, the number of work permit holders in Canada has felt a…askmigrationJuly 21, 2020
EmploymentStudy Global Talent Stream: Over 40,000 Workers Have Entered Canada to Work in Different Job Positions… Since the Global Talent Stream launched in 2017, over 40,000 workers have entered Canada to…askmigrationJuly 21, 2020
EmploymentImmigration May 2020 saw a Whooping 11,000 Immigrants move to Canada, despite The Covid-19 Pandemic Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, immigrants still seek to pursue different opportunities in Canada. The month…askmigrationJuly 16, 2020
EmploymentImmigration NEWS: Canada’s Recovering Economy Has Created Nearly One Million New Jobs! COVID-19 pandemic is not just a health problem; it is an economic issue as well.…askmigrationJuly 16, 2020
Employment ALERT: Huge Increase in Number of Skilled Workers with Better Pay Rates in British Columbia Going into any country and getting a place to stay and work is hard for…askmigrationJuly 10, 2020
EmploymentImmigration Are Immigrants More Hard-Working & Valued, Compared to Canadian-born Workers? A recent report shows that the new immigrants in Canada are much younger, more educated,…askmigrationJuly 5, 2020
EmploymentImmigration What Will Happen To The Canadian Immigration System In The Next 6 Months ? 2020 began with the wake of the coronavirus that impacted different sectors in Canada, and…askmigrationJuly 5, 2020
Employment Working from Home: Pre & Post Covid-19 Working from home is no longer a reserve for some people. COVID 19 has made…askmigrationJune 25, 2020
EmploymentLifestyle Canada Has Updated the Hourly Wage for Temporary Foreign Worker Program in the Country Canadian employers have raised median hourly wages for foreign employees in most territories and provinces.…askmigrationJune 6, 2020