During the Coronavirus pandemic, many people looking to establish Canadian citizenship have questions regarding the immigration process. They wonder if the rules have changed, or whether they are already considered a Canadian citizen already because at least on of their parents is already a citizen of Canada. The amount of people looking to become Canadians grows every day.

According to the IRRC (Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada), they have not announced any changes to their immigration process. They also haven’t released any information about any disruptions in service due to COVID-19. However, it’s not certain whether permanent citizenship applications will continue to be accepted on a normal schedule. Applications and alternatives should be considered and started, in case delays occur soon.

One way to Canadian citizenship may be if the applicant has at least one parent that is already a Canadian citizen. According to the Government of Canada website the answer to this question is yes…if they were born in Canada or became a naturalized Canadian citizen before the child was born.

It isn’t that simple though to establish citizenship. In order to receive citizenship, a “Proof of Citizenship” application and proper paperwork are still necessary. In this application you must be able to show that one of your parents was born in Canada or proof of their naturalization. Even if you were born outside of Canada or have never even visited, you still may be an automatic citizen. This proof can be a quicker route to citizenship than the regular process. However, the Canadian Government will review the application very thoroughly, to ensure citizenship is valid.

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