While every kind of job and occupation is respected and accepted, here’s a list of some of the most ‘in-demand’ jobs in Toronto:

  • Realtors

The real estate market is flourishing in Toronto increasing a demand for realtors. Realtors earn an average of $ 55,000 a year and require and real estate training, high school diploma and a territorial or provincial license.

  • Marketing Managers

With so many companies, a marketing manager is high in demand to carry out multiple tasks and effectively handle a number of responsibilities, including communication, branding, advertising, social media and other related responsibilities. On an average a marketing manager earns around $120,000 annually.

  • Corporate Trainer

If you have the skills to teach, train or educate, you are much in demand in Toronto!

Corporate trainers are an asset to the company as they help employees understand and learn new skills and keep existing employees up-to-date with the latest systems. The average income ranges anywhere between $ 60,000 to $ 100,000 annually, depending upon specialist skills and expertise.

  • Trades

Welders, electricians, plumbers and all other trained personnel are always in demand in Toronto and all over Canada as well. The income is good and lies anywhere between $80,000 to $100,000 annually.

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