The documents which are needed include

  • An address proof ( individuals permanent address)
  • Properly filled out application form
  • Recent passport photographs
  • Signature and statements of guarantors
  • Fees required
  • Any 2 other identity proof documents

It is important to note that though most people are able to apply for citizenship if they have required documents and background check in place. However there are some people who care not eligible to apply for their Canadian Citizenship.

  • People with a criminal background
  • Those currently undergoing some trial
  • Individuals with a recently revoked citizenship

There are some people who have tried to fill in incorrect information in their application forms and forged documents, but the system of the government is very sharp designed to detect such inconsistencies and forgeries. Any foul play will immediately be caught out and dealt with in the most severe manner.

Getting a Canadian citizenship cannot be viewed as an easy task, yet it is certainly worth all the effort. If you are someone who truly feels that you were born to be a Canadian citizen, then you should go out of your way to transform your dream into a reality.

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