Moreover, if you are a citizen of any of the ASEAN countries, you will be eligible to apply for the scholarship that Minister Freeland spoke of earlier. There are many exchange programs and fundings which can empower students, and support their educational expenses. It guarantees promising careers, enriching experiences and valuable education.

  • Education is a top priority in Canada

Education is considered to be a top priority in Canada. The International Education Strategy of Canada has announced that its goal is to increase the number of full-time international students to double of the present, by the year 2022. Supporting education and providing lucrative opportunities has always been a part of Canada’s plan for both its nationals and international students. The wonderful academic performance of the international students in Canada has kept the graph going high. In fact, Canada is one of the few countries where immigrant students perform as well as nationals.

  • Excellent living conditions

 Canada is a beautiful country with exquisite landscapes, fantastic living conditions, and economic living costs. The largest cities of Canada, Toronto, Vancouver and Montreal are culturally rich and vibrant cities which enjoy a mix of multicultural population. There are world-class shopping malls, beaches, and endless entertainment options.

  • No worries about employment for international candidates

Canada enjoys a high employment rate of international graduates. After graduating from the universities, international students have no difficulty in searching for jobs. Canadian institutions are linked with more than 5,000 companies and conglomerates. Achievers and high performing students have a plethora of job opportunities open to them in several fields like technology, artificial intelligence, business, media, academics, industry specific research and more. According to the statistics, more than 90% graduates get employment in about 6 months from the date of their graduation.

Canada is an excellent choice for higher education. It boasts of some of the world’s best universities in diverse fields, offers endless employment chances and a strong financial support for education and research. If you want to make the most of it, consider applying to Canadian universities.

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