Essential Documents for Working in Canada

To engage in employment in Canada as an international student, you’ll need a few key documents to ensure everything goes smoothly. Here’s what you need to have:

A Valid Study Permit

Your study permit is the primary document that allows you to stay and pursue studies in Canada. Ensure it includes authorization to work on or off campus. Without this authorization, you won’t be able to take up employment.

Proof of Enrollment

Employers may require proof that you fulfill a full-time student requirement at a designated learning institution (DLI). This could be an official letter from your school, your enrollment certificate, or your class schedule.

Curriculum Vitae and Cover Letter

Just like any other job applicant, you’ll need a well-prepared C.V and cover letter. These documents highlight your skills, experiences, and why you’re suitable for the position. Tailor them to each job application to stand out to prospective employers.

A passport

Having your passport on hand is always a good idea. It serves as your primary identification and may be required during the job application or the onboarding process.

What is a SIN and How Do I Get One?

The Social Insurance Number (SIN) is essential for working in Canada. It’s a unique nine-digit number given to eligible Canadians, permanent residents, and temporary residents. It’s not a document per se, but you need it to secure a job. Learn more about how to obtain a SIN here.

Facing Challenges at Work?

As an international student, you have the same workplace rights as workers born in Canada. The Canada Labour Code and the Employment Equity Act protect these rights, ensuring you receive fair payment, a safe work environment, and the ability to keep hold of your passport and work permit.

Knowing your rights and responsibilities will help you better prepare for working in Canada. Stay informed and make the most of your summer job market in Canada.

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