The March 20 draw has a tie-break. As a result, all the individuals who have a CRS score that was at 452 and above received an ITA during the recent invitation round. At the moment, the cut-off CRS score has been dropping. The IRCC has now issued two weeks for the draws to elapse in both cases. The cut-off CRS score can be affected by larger draw sizes. Since the IRCC has a higher admission target for the years 2019 and 2020, there will be bigger draws during the second quarter of the year. For instance, the CRS cut-off dropped in 2017 and 2018 as a result of the draw sizes during the second quarter.

Some hypothetical examples regarding the issuance of an ITA are as follows:

Wanda has a bachelor’s degree, and she is 32 years old. She also has a one year certificate. In the past five years, she has been working as an accountant. Nevertheless, she has never studied or worked in Canada. Her English proficiency is admirable. Moreover, her reading and writing skills are also impeccable. Since her CRS score was 452, she was eligible for the ITA during the March 20 draw.

Mark has two bachelor’s degrees. He is 33 years old. During the past three years, he has been working as a business consultant. His proficiency in English as remarkable. He has no work history in Canada. His CRS score was 452 which means he qualified for the ITA.

Naima possesses a bachelor’s degree. She is 29 years old. She has worked as an administrative consultant for three years. Naima has never studied in Canada. Nevertheless, Naima’s sister was a permanent resident of Canada. Her CRS score was 453 which means she was eligible for an ITA.

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