As Canadians, we benefit from an effective system of controlled migration. The newcomers play an essential role in prospering the Canadian economy. They create employment opportunities, which enhance the overall growth of our states.

Our government supports the objective of maintaining an orderly migration. It is committed to unite families and support Canadian humanitarian commitment. Therefore, it is facilitating the application of permanent residence for foreigners with protected person status. The family members of the protected individuals are likely to acquire permanent Canadian residence under the new rule.

Who is a Protected Person?

You are a protected person if Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) believes that you need protection. You must give genuine reasons for fearing persecution in your country to qualify for refuge in Canada. The insecurities can be due to religion, political ideologies, nationality, race, or belonging to a social group.

The majority of protected persons have dependent family members who are residing in Canada illegally. According to IRCC, the undocumented immigrants harden the process of issuing permanent residence. Your family members living in Canada fear disclosing their status during permanent residence application. Therefore, they end up living on the run for fear of deportation.

How is the Canadian Government Facilitating Permanent Residence Application?

The Government, together with IRCC, has set up initiatives to enhance your acquisition of a permanent residence. Here are the initiatives for solving your problem:

A Centralized Intake Process

The centralized intake process will allow you together with your dependent family to apply for permanent residence. Your dependent family must be living abroad at the time of application. IRCC recommends that you and your family members simultaneously submit your application at a single location. The submission location must be the IRCC Case Processing Centre in Mississauga.

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