– Atlantic Intermediate-Skilled Program (AISP) – This is meant for international graduates who have a full-time job offer for an unspecified duration in the NOC position levels O, A, B or C.
– Atlantic International Graduate Program (AIGP) – This program targets international graduates who have a two-year post-secondary qualification which has been obtained from a public-funded educational institution in the Atlantic region. A one year full-time job offer is also required in the O, A, B or C positions of the NOC.
There are separate work experience and education requirements for each of the streams. The Atlantic Immigration Pilot aims at providing lucrative immigration opportunities to foreign skilled workers and international graduates including permanent residence so that the labor requirements of the businesses are met.
This program does away with the requirement of LMIA for temporary foreign worker immigration. Instead, temporary work permits are issued to the skilled immigrants so that they can move to Canada along with their families immediately while their applications for working and settling in the PEI region are still being processed.
This an employer driven program because it only allows those workers to apply who have a valid job offer. The worker immigration requirements are as follows:
– AHSP and AISP- One year work experience in an occupation similar to the job offer is required and should be equivalent to 1,560 hours. Presence of a high school or post-secondary diploma or degree along with Educational Credential Assessment is mandatory to ensure its validity and equivalence to a Canadian credential. Language fluency levels must also be passed.
– AIGP- International Graduates do not need to have any work experience. They must have at least a two-year degree from a government institution in an Atlantic province. They should have graduated in the twelve months before the application date. They should have had a visa to study or work in Canada at the time of graduation. The language fluency requirements are similar to the AHSP and AISP programs.
There are Provincial Nominee Programs too which allow Express Entry into any of the provinces including the PEI. There is a huge scope for skilled workers to get immigration permit to the rural areas of the Canadian provinces like the PEI.