As it stands, Canada is already in the process of allowing temporary residents already living, studying and working in Canada to make the transfer to full Canadian citizenship, and they are taking measures towards that goal right now. In fact, they are partnering up with the IRCC to start an immigration program known as the Express Entry draw. The aim is to attract those in the economic classes and those who are in the Provincial Nominee Program and the Canadian Experience Class. Both organisations harbor immigrants who are successful in the pursuit of their goals towards Canadian citizenship, so they have the best track record in helping newcomers meet their citizenship goals. Consequently, both have had a positive impact on the entire experience as Canada continues to meet and exceed immigration goals.

February 13, 2021 marks another milestone as 27,332 CEC candidates were invited to apply for permanent residence in Canada. This was an effort by the IRCC to help Canada surpass all previous expectations and improve foreign relations. Additionally, goals of reaching 90,000 international graduates and essential workers were created when the IRCC implemented six streams. As a result, 40,000 graduates applied overnight, and the numbers just keep rising.

Yet with the lockdown drawing to a close and the warmer months approaching, things are only going to look even better for Canada. People are showing a renewed interest in international travel. Those seeking to take a vacation will most likely increase threefold as the spring and summer of 2021 continue marching forward. That said, Canada is in an excellent position to meet and possibly transcend its original goal of 401,000 new residents by the end of this year.

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