Decoding AST Status Messages

Understanding the messages within the AST is key to interpreting your application status accurately. Here’s a breakdown of some common status messages you may encounter:

Received: Your application has been received by IRCC and is undergoing completeness checks.

In Progress: IRCC is actively reviewing your application.

Closed: Your application has been processed, and a decision has been made, whether it’s approval, refusal, or withdrawal.

Within the application details section, you’ll encounter additional status messages pertaining to specific aspects of your application, such as “not started,” or “waiting on you” (indicating IRCC requires further information from you) and “completed” or “exempted” (if a particular section doesn’t apply to your application).

Maximizing the Benefits of the AST

While the AST provides valuable insights into your application status, it’s essential to utilize other resources available to applicants, such as the Global Case Management System (GCMS) notes. These notes offer a behind-the-scenes look at your application, providing additional context and information that may not be available through the AST alone. By leveraging both the AST and GCMS notes, you can gain a comprehensive understanding of your application status and make informed decisions throughout the process.

The Takeaway

As you can see, navigating the immigration application process can be a daunting process, but tools like the Application Status Tracker (AST) can simplify it for you by providing transparency and clarity every step of the way. By understanding how to utilize the AST effectively and interpreting status messages accurately, you can stay informed, proactive, and confident in your application journey to Canada.

So, whether you’re eagerly awaiting news on your Express Entry application or tracking the progress of your sponsorship application, you can count on AST to be your guide as you embark on your immigration journey to Canada. With the right tools and resources at your disposal, you’re one step closer to realizing your dreams of calling Canada home.

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