Employers in any part of the world keep their eyes out for experience as it more often than not, determines the output of new employees. This is the case for the Canadian work market. For many immigrants looking for gainful employment in Canada, having local work experience is a definite plus in the onboarding process.

Typically, a work permit is required to gain entrance into the country with the allowance of working for an income to sustain yourself. However, this is not the case for everyone. Some people may not be eligible for a work permit or may be denied a work permit for one reason or the other. If this happens to you, looking into getting a labor Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) could be a great option.

For those unfamiliar with a Labor Market Impact Assessment, it is basically the Canadian government’s way of checking how hiring a foreign worker will affect the local job market. If the LMIA is neutral or positive then a work permit is almost guaranteed for qualifying individuals. The LMIA is also responsible for checking to ensure that a permanent resident or a Canadian citizen is not available for the specific occupation to avoid disenfranchising the locals.

Jobs that get neutral or positive LMIA are often in high demand. According to CIC news, here are a few jobs that received the most LMIAs in 2023.

  • General farm workers had 8,289 LMIAs
  • Cooks had 5,187 LMIAs
  • Food service supervisors had 3,739 LMIAs
  • Food counter attendants, kitchen helpers, and related support occupations had 2,576 LMIAs
  • Administrative assistants had 1,619 LMIAs
  • Retail sales supervisors had 1,358 LMIAs
  • Information systems analysts and consultants 1,168 LMIAs
  • Computer programmers and Interactive media developers had 1,133 LMIAs
  • Transport truck drivers had 1,131 LMIAs
  • Construction trades helpers and labourers 994 LMIAs
  • Administrative officers had 990 LMIAs

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