Established Company Eligibility

In order to qualify for an information and communications technology work visa as an established business, your organization must meet all of the following requirements:

  • You must be a foreign multinational corporation with a firm, subsidiary, branch, or affiliate located in Canada.
  • Be sending an employee with a foreign nationality to a Canadian firm that is actively conducting business and delivering products and services to the Canadian company.

Start-Up Eligibility

The following is a list of the requirements that must be met in order to obtain an information and communications technology work permit for a foreign MNC that is proposing to create a new business in Canada:

  • Demonstrate the financial ability to cover start-up costs, including employee compensation.
  • Provide a comprehensive business plan outlining staffing and business operations in Canada.
  • Show that you have secured or are actively pursuing a physical location for your start-up.
  • Prove that your company’s size is sufficient to support the functions of employees transferring to Canada.
  • Demonstrate that the company will engage in business operations in Canada, with Canadian management overseeing activities conducted within the country.

Foreign nationals who are interested in contributing their managerial, executive, or specialized knowledge to a Canadian company may find that applying for and receiving an information and communications technology work permit in Canada is an option worth exploring. It is necessary to meet the precise qualifying criteria, so make sure to understand the regulations that relate to your case and fulfill them to the best of your ability. I wish you the best of luck as you make your way up to the Great White North to find work.

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