Implied Status

Being provided implied status while extensions and renewal applications are being reviewed, is possible. The same visa conditions and expectations are placed on the applicant, but those who leave Canada and re-enter the country during the period they hold the implied status, will lose it unless the border immigration officers use discretion.

Expect processing delays during coronavirus

Due to the travel bans and work restrictions in place due to the Corona virus, foreign nationals are going to have to expect delays in the processing of their visa renewal and extension applications. This will need to be taken into account.

Extension of temporary stay through “flagpoling” – now impossible for some applicants due to coronavirus

Foreign nationals who apply for extension and renewals at the border by entering the US and then immediately re-entering Canda, a process known as “flagpoling”, may face difficulties that they haven’t before. It is also not available to all foreign nationals, like those that require temporary resident visas, and those who wish to change their visa category.

The US-Canadian border is currently closed, so flagpoling is unavailable.

Hopefully the border will be open very soon.


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