But fear not! The feds are on it. They’ve got a bunch of tricks up their sleeves. One of their tricks is a brand new $14 billion Affordable Housing Fund. The Canadian government earmarked this fund to beef up rentals and remodel existing housing. The plan is to make it easier for people to get affordable housing.

Plus, they’re sweetening the deal for developers by axing sales taxes on new builds. That means more options for students, seniors, and everyone in between. Keep your eyes peeled for more updates on this exciting development!

Remember, The Canadian Renter’s Bill of Rights promises transparency and fairness in the rental market. It mandates landlords to disclose detailed rent histories. This bill will empower newcomers to negotiate equitably. Penalties for deceptive evictions and standardized rental agreements ensure nationwide consistency and protect tenants’ rights.

Prompt rent payments also boost credit scores, facilitating future financial endeavors like mortgage applications. Backed by a $15 million fund, this initiative aims to combat unfair rent hikes. The bill will also combat unfair eviction tactics. Thus, they’ll ensure a more secure housing landscape.

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