For the three hundred thousand or so workers that immigrate into Canada each year, the Temporary Work Permit is a new lease of life, a possibility of starting over, a ticket to a world full of myriad opportunities bursting with promise and prosperity. Those with job offers in Canada apply for this Work Permit and arrive resplendent with hope and thrive here.


A job offer is, of course, the prerequisite for a Work Permit, but besides that there are several requirements that are to be fulfilled by an applicant before the Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC) issues a work permit to him or her. These requirements and the several steps entailed in the application process have been laid out below:

  1. Labor Market Impact Assessment:

An employer, who wishes to hire a foreign employer for a particular job, may have to, if necessary at that point of time, apply for a Labor Market Impact Assessment. This is in order to ensure that the employment of a foreigner does not adversely endanger the opportunities of Canadian citizens.



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