GeoMatch utilizes machine learning capabilities to make predictions based on a newcomer’s former work history, education and personal characteristics. Based on how these pertinent factors are related to the economic success of different locations, the system then finds a pattern. Once a pattern is established, GeoMatch is able to predict various locations where an immigrant is more likely to be successful.

Despite poor access to information that may help an immigrant identify an optimal destination, their initial place of arrival plays a great role in determining their economic wellbeing. A report published by IPL established that the first place an immigrant chooses to settle in offers a less than optimal income level compared to the expected levels.

In terms of immigrants maximizing their income within their first year of arrival, Toronto is ranked the 20th region out of 52. The report further shows that Toronto is one of the most common destinations for most immigrants because it is very famous even though it may not suit their skillset. The statistics suggest that there are 19 other regions where the newcomer was more likely to earn a higher level of income. Even though immigrants may choose not to utilize the tool, it is worth noting that GeoMatch is more than just a data-driven prediction tool. It also takes into account the newcomer’s location preferences.

Relocating to a new country poses a new set of unforeseen challenges, therefore, it is important to use every tactic to set yourself up for success. The new GeoMatch tool allows you to hit the ground running despite the change in environment, locality or culture. Make the most today with GeoMatch to succeed both economically and smoothly integrate into a new community.

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