Are Visitors Allowed to Extend Stay?

If you want to stay in Canada legally after your prescheduled stay, visitors may seek an extension by use of the paper application or by doing so online. These applications should be submitted at least 30 days before your current TRV expires.

What if you’re a temporary resident and you’ve submitted an application for a stay extension but your TRV expires before you get a response? Worry not because you’re allowed to stay in Canada under maintenance status until you get feedback on your request.

Does TRV Cover students

Ideally, the best way for international students to stay in Canada is by applying for a study permit. But sometimes you may be attending a course that will not take more than six months. At this point, a study permit is not necessary.

Notably, international students who are attending a course for more than six months in Canada are required to apply via a Designated Learning Institution (DLI) in the country. After doing so, they have to seek a study permit to stay legally in Canada.

What about Working?

It is a requirement for any foreign worker in Canada to have a work permit. This applies to people who have valid temporary resident status. But before new foreign workers get a work permit they have to stay there on TRV. This covers the period before the work permit is validated. Alternatively, most of them stay in Canada under-maintained status awaiting their work permit application decision.

What Happens When a Partner or Spouse is Visiting?

You may be a permanent resident of Canada who has a spouse or partner. Such spouses can apply for TRV while awaiting their permanent residency application to be approved. This allows children and spouses of a resident of Canada from visa-required countries to join their families without much delay.

According to IRCC, Canada has embraced a new approach that has led to the approval of over 98 percent of spousal TRVs applications. This is temporary while the aforementioned groups await their permanent residency request to be approved. Always remember spousal TRVs are processed within 30 days.

TRV vs Permanent Residence

If you’re planning to enter Canada on TRV and later apply for permanent residency, the scenario is referred to as double intent. A student, worker, or visitor may enter Canada with a temporary visa and apply for permanent residency—this is not illegal. However, whether you have intentions of applying for permanent residency, the rules of TRV still apply. For instance, if your TRV period expires, you have to leave the country. Failing to abide by the authorized stay period requirements may lead to disqualification of your application.

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