The Canadians see the change of climate, health care, and the economy as a bigger national problem than immigration. Despite the increase in politicizing issues, the Canadian’s attitude is a positive one. According to the survey done by the Environics Institute in October, two thousand (2,000) Canadians found a minor movement in this issue of immigration. The most recent survey was done in February 2018.
Fifty-eight percent (58%) of those interviewed said that there are no much immigrants in Canada. Being that the previous study was at 60%, there was a 2% drop from the survey held in February. However, 35% of Canadians agreed that the immigration was too much while 7% were undecided.
The three-quarters of Canadians (76%) believes that Canada’s economy is positively affected by immigration according to a survey done by the Environics Institute. This was a reduction of 4% from the 80% recorded in the survey which was done in February. Those who disagreed according to the study rose from 16% to 18%
The Canadian’s views on the overall impact of immigrants make Canada a better place according to the survey. 45% versus 17% is the ratio of those who think that immigrants make Canada a better place against those who oppose.
Most Canadians say immigration is not a national problem
According to the study done by Environics Institute, 52% of the Canadians believed that immigrants fail to adopt the Canadian values while 41% disagreed. This survey noted the concern of integrating immigrants to be less than those who are already there for the last 25 years. The immigrants are expected to learn and adopt the Canadian culture and respect it. An example is by learning fluent English or French, tolerate everyone and respect the laws of the land. Overall, the survey finds the immigrants better than the Canadians issues.