The Government Plans On Implementing the Following Regulations.

The first requirement is for all employers who wish to employ TFW personnel to provide each employee with a document that educates them on their rights. These documents must, of course, be presented in a language that the employee fully comprehends. To improve the circulation of this information, employers will be required to post it in public places around the workplace. In addition, the government will require employers to provide all employees with a contract of employment and a copy of the same submitted to the government.

The contract is expected to confirm that the employee will be working in the same conditions promised when making the job offer. The agreement will also specify that the employee will be offered the same job they were offered. The employer will also be required to provide the employee with a work environment free of reprisal, neglect, or abuse of any other kind. The government will also allow Employment and Social Development Canada to pause any further processing of TFW employees for suspected non-compliance companies. The government will also expect both the employer and the employee to create and maintain a safe workplace free from abuse.

The employer must show unwavering commitment and respect to all employment laws and regulations. The company will be expected to ensure that an eligible and compliant entity hires all its employees. Finally, the government will require employers to respond to a Noticed Preliminary Findings (NoPF) reduced from the Current thirty days to 15 days. A noticed Preliminary Finding indicates non-compliance concerns by a third party. The reduced time frame will aid in quick resolution and less disruption of workplace productivity. These measures, in summation, are expected to significantly improve the excellent fare of t1he TFW employee in the future.

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