Canada And U.S Differ In Acceptance With Age

Older U.S respondents were less accepting. The migrant acceptance index nearly dropped by a point for respondents between the age of 15 and 29, as well as those above 65 years. Canada had no significant differences in acceptance with age.

According to the Gallup poll, the migrant acceptance rate is higher for people with more education and living in urban areas. This was also seen in 2017 polls.

According to the statistics, the margin of error calculated per country remained to be at the highs of 95 percent confidence level with a deviation that ranged between ±1.9 to ±5.4 percentage points. The following factors influenced the data sample;

  • Data weighting
  • Sample frame and specification sampling error,
  • Phrasing (wording) of questions,
  • Other technical and human difficulties may have caused errors, omissions, and bias responses—leading to inaccurate findings

To conclude the research, Gallup weighed the data samples against each country’s location. The company then released a list of countries with their acceptance index according ttheir findings.

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