According to Canada, a highly skilled newcomer is someone who has an internationally obtained post-secondary degree, certification, or diploma that is considered valid in Canada. There are plenty of internationally trained professionals who would like to work in Canada. Fortunately, Canada needs them too. The Express Entry gives immigrants a chance to get permanent residence in Canada. With Canada’s new commitment, they will have a chance to get their skills recognized.
Canada is Boosting Immigration?
According to the federal government of Canada, the country hopes to increase its intake of immigrants by 2021. At the moment, they accept 350, 000 new immigrants every year. The Minister of Immigration, Ahmed Hussen, said that the government has started a three-year plan to boost immigration.
Most of the newcomers will ep Canada address their problem of labour shortages. The government targets immigrants with specific skills that are considered to be missing in the Canadian economy. In some parts of Canada, the workforce is either too old or insufficient. Newcomers may help those parts develop a competitive edge. The government’s efforts in boosting immigration and helping newcomers find job opportunities presents Canada as a friendly country to the rest of the world. Economic immigrants now have a chance to use their skills to improve their living standards and help Canada meet its economic objectives. The admission of such immigrants is based on their skills, work experience, age, and level of education